BPI - Building and Pest Inspections - Victoria
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About The Business

BPI Building and Pest Inspections services the real estate industry and property investors by conducting professional building, pest and pool inspections. Operating in all Australian mainland states, John Rigby has sold a 2nd business territory into Victoria.

How We Sold The Business

Primarily the buyers we are looking for are builders looking to "get off the tools". After years of building experience the operator moves from building to an inspection and advisory role. While its not required in all States, BPI requires all of its inspectors need to be licensed builders in their State. COVID presented many challenges for this business owner, but they are now ready to start in July 2021.


Sell A Business (Business Broker) : John RigbyBPI Owner & Founder : Larry Ryan
Client Testimonials
Another great job in Victoria, John. You have sold most of our territories across Australia and we consider you a very valuable member of our team.
Larry Ryan
BPI - Founder

Our Services

Sell, buy or invest in a business.

We have decades of experience and know how to match the right seller and buyer, take care of all the detail, and legally bind buyers from revealing confidential information during the sales process.